Weight Loss – Week 19

Yesterday the PCS regional office had arranged for me to visit so that we could discuss the content of the next regional newsletter.  I am the person on the regional committee that is responsible for guiding content.

When I left the house for the station, I thought the weather had warmed up a bit but I soon realised my error.  The footpaths were extremely icy and it was very chilly.  I wished I had put thicker shoes on and worn my hat.

When I got to the regional office the regional secretary already had a plan for the content of the next newsletter and just wanted my endorsement as an elected committee member.  I think the meeting could have been conducted just as well using telephone conferencing.  Following the meeting I was told that they wanted me to feature in a YouTube interview about the national campaign against the cuts and changes to the Civil Service Compensation Scheme.  That wasn’t part of the plan!!  I don’t do media interviews.  I much prefer to write articles.

However there was a problem.  There was no tripod for the camera and when they did a test run they realised the camera only had a 2mb memory card.  So I was let off the hook.  If it was up to me I would have just gone to the nearest shop to get the necessary equipment.  But they decided on plan B which means I will have to keep a low profile at the regional AGM next week ;-)

Following the meeting I made my way back to the train for the journey home.  Unfortunately I managed to get cramp in my foot which made it hard to walk, not to mention painful.  When I got off the train the ice on the pavements had cleared a bit but I still had to be careful where I put my feet so that I didn’t fall flat on my back.  I was so busy looking at the ground that I didn’t notice I was being approached by a suited man on a bicycle.  It was one of the local Mormons hoping to teach me a thing or two.  I think I said too much (or maybe not enough ;-) ) because they wanted to come home with me…

Eventually I managed to get home, make a cup of tea and then set about finding some wrapping paper so that I could wrap my secret Santa gift ready for the Weight Watchers meeting.  I had only found out earlier in the day that I needed to take it yesterday evening.  At the same time I found out that the Weight Watchers ‘Christmas’ meal that evening was going to be an Indian instead.  Confused yet?  I certainly was!

I had just started to wrap the present up when my mobile phone rang.  Unfortunately I had left it downstairs and had to go and fetch it.  After all those distractions I was totally disorganised trying to do the few things necessary before I drove to Weight Watchers.  Then to top it off I found out that I had gained 2.5lb.  I am not sure why though because my clothes still feel loose.

After the meeting the Weight Watchers leader and helpers went out for their Christmas meal, which as I mentioned earlier was in an Indian restaurant.  The meal arrangements are not normally so last minute, but the meal had to be brought forward because one of the ladies may have to go into hospital before Christmas.  After all that rushing around we had a good laugh and enjoyed the meal.

What a day!!

2 Comments CherryPie on Dec 10th 2010

2 Responses to “Weight Loss – Week 19”

  1. Claude says:

    Your post wasn’t available yesterday. Good to read it today. It reminds me so much of the crazy schedule I used to go through around Christmas before I retired. Why do we keep adding new activities, extra shopping and social outings during that season when our regular lives are already so busy? And where do we find the energy and the time? But it works. You made it. And even enjoyed the meal and the company.

    Not to worry about the gain. It’s not really there. Scales are very capricious and often lie about gain and also (alas!) loss. You’ll be nicely surprised at the next session.

    Hope your foot is not crampy anymore, and the Mormons are not camping at your door!;-)

    • CherryPie says:

      Sorry about the post not being available… When I do a series of posts Wordpress does a little something which makes the post unavailable for comment. Sometimes I forget to check the setting before posting!

      If it was up to me I wouldn’t be adding extra activities in the run up to Christmas when I have to cater for family visiting and staying over. But sometimes such activities are imposed on me!

      I agree scales are quite capricious and do often lie in both directions as you say.

      My foot improved as it warmed :-)

      The Mormons, they did ask if the could visit me next week ;-)