
By this statue of Constantine, which is outside York Minster, a temporary hand-written plaque replaces the missing original one of bronze. I found it interesting to note that the replacement is dated the day before I took these photos…


Temporary Replacement

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

14 Comments CherryPie on Nov 25th 2011

14 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Hand-Written”

  1. ....peter:) says:

    I like your photo of the statue Cherie… but i also enjoyed reading the history on the plaque that replaced the stolen one lol…great presentation….peter:)

  2. MTG says:

    The North of England leads the way in metal theft, CP.

  3. Annie says:

    Very interesting and your photo of Constantine is fantastic. Sorry they stole the sign though!

    • CherryPie says:

      I found the text very interesting too. I don’t remember reading it the last time I was there. Maybe I should have paid more attention to the sign that has now gone missing!!

  4. Jerry says:

    Great shot for this week’s theme. Shame about the stolen sign – so much of that with stolen bells, grave markers, fences – anything that can be melted down. SIGH

    Have a super weekend.

  5. Ok…Thats a long time ago.

    Coffee is on.

  6. Suzy says:

    Nice take on the theme. Sad about the stolen plaque.

  7. J_on_tour says:

    That’s interesting that you saw it the day after. I checked my photo library & I’ve only got ones of Constantine himself.