

16 Comments CherryPie on Dec 26th 2011

16 Responses to “100 Photos 93 :: Craftsmen”

  1. ....peter says:

    Beautifully framed Cherie… this is a magnificent Cathedral….peter:)

  2. Frida says:

    What a magnificent roof. I like your framing.

  3. Astrid says:

    Amazing ceiling, it always pays off to look up, you did a great job here.
    Love the quote with the picture with that wonderful flower, fabulous macro.

  4. jameshigham says:

    Your eye is amazingly sharp.

  5. Claire says:

    Fabulous ceiling and if I remember correctly the bosses are exquisitely carved.

  6. JD says:

    …………homage to the anonymous craftsmen.

  7. icedgurl says:

    trekking your lovely blog!!! thanks for sharing and keep posting! Happy New Year!


  8. J_on_tour says:

    I’m looking at this wondering how long it took them to build this section … it must have been half a lifetime for some of the craftsmen. Well captured.