
Kirs… A Fairy Among fairies….

Kirs... A Fairy Among fairies...

Dani created this picture from a portrait that I took of myself (the sub title is hers).

It is interesting that many people over the years I have called me a faerie…

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out Whistlestop PhotoHunt.

22 Comments CherryPie on May 18th 2012

22 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Magical”

  1. YTSL says:

    A fairy as well as a faerie? Either way, it sounds like people were paying you nice compliments. :)

  2. ....peter:) says:

    This is very beautiful Cherie…. Dani has created a magnificent piece of art… i love your fairies….peter:)

  3. Kim, USA says:

    That is magical!


  4. Wow, very interesting & pretty!

  5. Astrid says:

    This is fabulous. You look like a faerie…..
    She did a great job!

  6. MTG says:

    Beautiful…like early recollections of Xmas.

  7. Frida says:

    Such nice friends you have. Great image.

    • CherryPie says:

      I have been blessed with the people I have met along life’s journey and the friendships that develop from those meetings. I treasure them (the meetings and the friendships) and an humbled by them in equal measures.

  8. rainforest says:

    beautiful photo. something magical in it.

  9. Isn’t that the same half-naked lady I saw on your profile picture (cherry elsewhere)?!

    • CherryPie says:

      Yes it is. She posed with some cherries for me ;-)

      Sadly the other lady met an accident when the wind through the window blew the curtains…

      I painted both of them in a ceramics class I used to go to.

  10. What? Lady Red is gone?
    Even all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put her together again?

    Isn’t that a mini faberge egg between Lady Red and Lady Green in your photo?
    Oh boy, Humpty Dumpty and his hot babes, eh? Ha ha :D

  11. james higham says:

    Now that’s creative!