Filed under This & That



Syria is in turmoil, the starving in the world are doing just that, and yet the peace and harmony in which the spirit of the Olympic Games seems to override those whom the Games are meant for. Above all, PEACE: a breathing space for the world to step back from warfare and destitution, to breathe a deep breath and give space and adjust to the time needed to act and crown in laurel wreaths those who most need it. This is the wisdom of the Games and the only World Record is peace for one such day.


14 Comments CherryPie on Aug 3rd 2012

14 Responses to “PEACE”

  1. Ginnie says:

    So very, very true, Cherry. Too bad it can’t be like this all the time…the world coming together in peace!

  2. james higham says:

    Who was it wrote that it is pointless two sheep discussing what is for dinner when the wolf remains of a different opinion?

    There is a power behind all governments which is driving all this and until the day people can recognize this, take it on board, these atrocities will continue. My whole life’s work and blog is dedicated to taking on this power [with much Assistance]. the banksters and oil barons are but part of the whole thing.

    It’s fine those in Tolkien’s Shire wishing and hoping for peace but it takes the eccentric Striders patrolling the borders to put up any sort of resistance to the PTB who are doing this.

  3. jamsodonnell says:

    The world desperately needs peace. I fear we will not live to see it.

  4. Claude says:

    It won’t be there for me. But I pray that my grandchildren might be able to experience a world at peace.

  5. You should take a picture of garden peas.
    Opium poppy is a bit off topic. ;)

  6. Sean Jeating says:

    Aren’t blogging heroes to be admired?
    They do need it. Obviously. Desperately.
    The peace of the night.
    Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity. Does anyone disagree?

    • CherryPie says:

      Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity. Does anyone disagree?

      I would not disagree with that nor would most of the people who read and comment here. There are some however who seem a little confused!

      You would really enjoy talking to the person who gave me the comment in my post.

      Wishing for peace, not just peace of the night.

      Goodnight dear Sean :-)

  7. Andrew says:

    There will never be complete peace among all the humans, or any other species, of the world, until there is no longer a world. But many of us manage to get along fairly well, all things considered. But between lions and wildebeest, cats and birds, birds and flies, etc. and etc… Never. Evolution is not a designer of peace, even if it has in many situations recognized the advantages of very selective cooperation. Never perfect peace between men and women either, thanks again to Big E., the disdainful designer.

    • CherryPie says:

      I think the getting along fairly well would do, but we could well do without all the pointless wars that take place.

      But nature is all about balance so as you say there is never perfect peace.