In My Hands

People who know me well will appreciate this photo ;-)

I always have my camera in my hand/s when I am out and about.

More ‘In My Hands’ can be found in the gallery.

10 Comments CherryPie on Sep 20th 2013

10 Responses to “52 Photos Project – Gallery 22 – In My Hands”

  1. sandi says:

    We’ve missed you at the Saturday Photohunt ~ but I can see you’ve still been busy with your camera!
    Happy Hunting ~

    • CherryPie says:

      Thanks Sandi,

      I was struggling with gathering my thoughts for the PhotoHunt challenges so I took a breather…

      I do still follow the PhotoHunt blog :-)

  2. Claude says:

    And that’s why I see all those fantastic nature photos I love so much. Thank you!

  3. J_on_tour says:

    You take some quality shots, keep it up.
    Some of my friends think I am never parted from my camera which I have documented in the appropriate blog posts when they have been there. Recently I put the camera away for a month as I had a distraction that never matured. I also had a photo library problem which has been rectified. Hopefully I will be getting the camera back out again soon after my brief encounter with Heritage open Doors.

  4. Astrid says:

    Great selfportrait, hands are important, I often look at peoples hands.
    Nice seeing you again :)

  5. Bella says:

    Yes, this is how I envision you! Thank you for sharing.