Today Google celebrates the 129th birthday of Rorschach, the Swiss Freudian psychiatrist best known for his inkblot test where people are asked what they see in the inkblot that is shown to them.  The Telegraph reports:

Hermann Rorschach, the psychologist, has been celebrated with an interactive Google doodle.

The Google doodle features a black and white drawing of Rorschach, armed with a pen and notepad and a pair of hands holding up an inkblot.

Today, November 8, is the 129th birthday of Rorschach, best known for his inkblot test where people are asked to say what they see, their answers revealing unconscious aspects of their personalities.

People who support the theory of the inkblot test believe it can reveal hidden traits that people themselves are not aware of, for example with focusing on the edges of images seen as a sign of an obsessive personality.

Rorschach was born on November 8, 1884, in Zurich. He was known by the nickname ‘Klecks’ meaning inkblot, to his friends, because he enjoyed making pictures out of inkblots – klecksography.

He was encouraged to express himself through art by his father, an art teacher.

But Rorschach could not decide between a career in art or science and eventually decided to go to medical school in Zurich.

As a medical student he used his love of inkblots as a child to start to shape his career.

The psychoanalyst movement was emerging and he began to show children the images to analyse their different responses and develop his theory.

In 1921 he wrote a book, Psychodiagnostik, which formed the basis of the inkblot test and became successfully very quickly because of the variety of readings of behaviour the tests seem to give.

However psychologists have since discredited the theory of the father of two.

Google invites you to share what you see in the images.  I think the one above speaks for itself and it reminds of the time I did the test out of curiosity.  One of the images stood out and reminded me of the Balrog in Lord of the Rings.  You can find my previous post on the inkblot test and a summary of what it reveals about me here.

8 Comments CherryPie on Nov 8th 2013

8 Responses to “The Hermann Rorschach Google Doodle”

  1. james higham says:

    Balrog, eh? I was thinking of a different entity.

    • CherryPie says:

      Yes James, me too… As I said the above picture speaks for itself.

      It made me think of my previous post where I posted another image that reminded me of the Balrog. The Balrog of course is a minion of the entity you mention…

  2. Two piggish monsters trying to rip a queen in half, obviously

  3. Steve Hayes says:

    Two members of the Special Branch detaining someone for 90 days.