When you lay out all possible pathways, no matter how ridiculous or counter intuitive they may seem, and sort the multitude of data, events, and actions upon their appropriate piles, a new reality may emerge to compete against your own bias. It is your ability to believe and amend your belief system, which separates you from the masses. The task is not so much to see what no one yet has seen, but to think what no body yet has thought about that which everyone sees.
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860)
I like the last sentence… and the fools exit. I await my journey down the fools exit, but will try to add an apostrophe as I pass (or is that part also an instruction, perhaps?). Anyhow, I am big enough to climb over and exit while keeping the gate closed, though I would look like a bit of a fool as I did so. A nice Sunday post Cherie.
A friend left me this quote in my comments section a few months back. I was rather taken with it and saved it for later.
I am glad you appreciate the pairing of the quote and photo
I guess they (our owners) had to lose too many people. That’s why they closed the gate hoping things will function with the fools they decided to keep. Do I have news for them (from the biggest fool of them all.)
Inside those wall we were locking in an elaborate labyrinth. We did make our way to the centre and back again.
That’s what I thought, Cherie, that it was a labyrinth.
Most cryptic, Cherie.
Think… James
Where is Ariadne with her thread when you need her?
This was a particularly tricky labyrinth, there were sub-centres before you could get to the centre. It took quite a time to wind our way into the middle of the labyrinth. When we eventually arrived it was past lunch time! So we took the fools exit…
Ha ha I like that sign!
Only in Scotland though.
Better Together should have used this slogan for their campaign!
I love the sign too, it has so many possibilities