The Dolphin Sundial

The gnomon or pointer of the sundial is formed by the tips of two dolphins’ tails, which almost meet. The tails cast a shadow onto the dial plate, which is engraved with thick curved lines representing the hours. Thinner lines indicate 10-minute intervals between each hour.

The dial plate has curved lines rather than straight ones, to allow for the variations in the Sun’s apparent daily motion. The plate used in summer shows British Summer Time; that used in winter shows Greenwich Mean Time.

The mid-point between the dolphins tail-tips indicates the correct time.

Technical Details

10 Comments CherryPie on Sep 9th 2014

10 Responses to “The Dolphin Sundial”

  1. ubermouth says:

    You have to marvel at the great old minds who had the capacity to chart time with the sun,inventing the sun dial. It’s what I love most about Europe-that there exists the remnants of “technology” from old minds that prove genius in their time when we humans were not so advanced.

    Are sun dials Roman technology, Cherie?

    Great post. LOVE this sundial-so clever!

    • CherryPie says:

      There were some great old minds, I think that many of them were more advanced than many humans today ;-)

      Well it depends what you mean by a sundial. For example Stonehenge could be used as such…

  2. Ginnie says:

    Now THAT would be a sundial, Cherry. Someone really put a lot of thought and energy into that one!

  3. Amfortas says:

    Not simply useful, harking to another era and executed with style, but beautiful as well.

  4. Mike says:

    Clever. And impressive. But I think I’ll stick to my wristwatch! Lovely photos, by the way!

  5. J_on_tour says:

    A wacky but clever sculpture appropriate for Greenwich, must be worth a look.