Happiness Jar

A year has gone by since I embarked on the Happiness Jar project. As you can see the jar is full and I can confirm that I managed to write down a thought for each day, sometimes more than one.

What is a Happiness Jar? The simplest thing in the world. You get yourself a jar (or a box, or a vessel of any kind) and every day, at the end of the day, you grab a slip of paper and write down on it the happiest moment of the day.

Even on lousy days, you do this. Because even on lousy days, there is one best moment (or at least, one least-worst moment.)

You stick that little piece of paper in the jar.

Over the years, you have a record of your happiness.

On bad days, I will thrust my fist in that jar and go fishing — pulling up a handful of great moments that I would have utterly forgotten, had I not documented them.

I had intended to share some of the moments throughout 2017 but I never quite got around to it. I will now share one from each month of the year. I have many moments that mention family and friends but I haven’t included any of those, partly for privacy reasons and partly so that no-one feels left out. There were also lots of moments regarding the books I read and I have not included any of these either. Some of the books are currently pending a book review from me.

  • The sunset as we drove home from an afternoon out followed by a bright star and the moon shining brightly in the sky. I have been intrigued by the star for several weeks.
  • The wide crescent moon low in the sky. It looked so close I felt that I could reach up and touch it.
  • Attending the candlelit Mozart Requiem concert at a local college with combined choirs, orchestra and soloists.
  • Receiving the letter that accepted my request for early release from work.
  • Buying a replacement bench for placement under the lounge window (the original got broken in 2016).
  • An enjoyable get together with colleagues who are leaving work on the same day as me.
  • A visit to David Austen Roses for lunch and to visit the gardens followed by dinner on our patio.
  • Pancake with hot raspberries in Little Amsterdam, Banbury followed by a visit to Broughton Castle.
  • Picking up my new car.
  • Wonderful views of Vesuvius and the mountains as we made our way to Ravello by private transfer.
  • Driving my car to the National Ironworks Centre for lunch and to see the Knife Angel.
  • An impromptu visit to Lichfield Cathedral, all decked out for Christmas.

I have a new tare off calendar ready to record my 2018 moments :-)

10 Comments CherryPie on Jan 1st 2018

10 Responses to “A Jar Full of Happiness”

  1. What a great idea! :) Happy New Year and all the best for 2018!

  2. Alan says:

    Good for you. Cheryl. I start off with similar good intentions but by mid-January then have gone by the wayside :) I don’t have the same discipline.

  3. James Higham says:

    Woke up this morning and surprisingly, had not had the expected second heart attack.

    Yes, like the idea – will have to do it.

  4. Amfortas says:

    I have had some happy moments too, sharing occasional chats with you on skype and looking at all the sights that you so graciously share with the world from your travels near and far.

    I foresee in the cards and the tea leaves that in 2018 you will bring far more happinesses to far more people than could fit into your jar. You may need to set aside a cupboard.

    • CherryPie says:

      Thank you for your kind words. Your name appeared on some of those slips of paper :-)

      I will have to see what happiness moments I collect during 2018.

  5. I am sure you will need a bigger jar for 2018!