…The Percy Chantry
The Percy Chantry was built in the 15th-century and is the only part of the priory church to survive complete, although what we see today is the product of renovations. The Chantry has an intricate ceiling composed of intersecting ribs with 33 carved bosses.
…The New Coastguard Station.
The new coastguard station was built in 1980 and closed in 2001 due to advancing technology. BBC News reporting 28th September 2001:
Coastguard responsibilities for the North East pass to Humberside on Friday with the closure of the Tyne Tees station at Tynemouth.
New digital equipment has been installed at a station in Bridlington, [...]
The site of Tynemouth Castle an Priory is rich in history:
The dramatic headland at Tynemouth is a natural fortress commanding the entrance to the river Tyne, the gateway to Newcastle. Connected to the mainland only by a narrow neck of rock and defined by tall cliffs, Tynemouth headland was virtually unassailable before the development [...]
…doing something he loves.
was erected in 1845 by Public Subscription to the memory of
who in the Royal Sovereign on the 21st October 1805, led the British Fleet
into action at Trafalgar and sustained the Sea Fight for upwards of an hour
before the other ships were within gun shot, which caused Nelson to exclaim
“SEE [...]
On my recent holiday I got a bit carried away and took around 700 photographs so it has taken me a long time to sort them out. Now I have finished I will continue to post about the many places that I visited whilst I was away. For those of you who would like to [...]
You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
The Buddha (c.563 – c.483 BCE)