
I didn’t want to go with the obvious memorial theme so I struggled a bit with ideas.  It is one of my nephews birthdays today, so I did think of that and I thought of wedding anniversarys but I didn’t have quite the right photo for either of those thoughts.

I decided to stick with the birthday theme but I still wasn’t happy with the photos I had available, so I decided to work a little magic on some birthday flowers (not mine) and came up with this:

Birthday Flowers

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

26 Comments CherryPie on Sep 11th 2010

26 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Anniversary”

  1. YTSL says:

    Yellow roses are supposed to signify happiness (the way red does passion and white marriage). Does this color thang apply to other flowers, I wonder? ;b

  2. Ruth says:

    That’s a good idea for this week. I really struggled with the theme and have ended up not posting.
    Lovely flowers too, I wouldn’t mind receiving those ;-)

  3. ooh a nice take on the theme Cherie! Have a great weekend

  4. jan says:

    very pretty..good job.. i love the way you edit it..

    my anniversary is up too..

    happy weekend:)

  5. Janice says:

    I like your take on this week’s theme…beautiful flowers.

  6. Annie says:

    A beautiful shot – love the magic you worked! Very nice take on the theme.

  7. Janice says:

    And magical it truly is :) You gotta love those art programs that can help turn a blah pic into a piece of magic.

  8. Marcie says:

    A wonderful memorial. I think it’s absolutely perfect for this day!!!

  9. liz says:

    Beautiful yellow roses.

  10. TorAa says:

    Beautiful framed flowers – good work it is;-)

  11. bonggamom says:

    Yellow roses are pretty unusual! And so is that purple candle! Nice work.

  12. Anniversaries and birthdays are very important.