18 Comments CherryPie on Dec 27th 2012
Random thoughts and photos of my journey through life…
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Tags: Blue Nose Ted, Cherie's Place, Christmas, Macro Lens, Snowball, Snowflake, Ted, Tree Decoration
18 Comments CherryPie on Dec 27th 2012
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At least Ted won’t wreck a tree with the gusto a cat will!
Yes he normally sits quite still!
Sits still when you are looking, that is, Cherie. Then runs back to the same place when he hears you coming. I thought all little girls knew that about Teddies
You and I know about Teddies, but not everyone does… The world is not ready for that knowledge!!
When I get up in the morning it is not unknown for me to find chocolate wrappers next to Aston’s paw…
Yup! My Ted used to acquire a milk moustache through the night
I was going to take a picture of the evidence today but it was too dark for a photo and now the evidence has been cleared away…
There will be other opportunities though
I like Blue Nose Ted Cherie… i took pictures of the ornaments on our tree last night with the first ever macro lens… a gift from my entire family… and i am having loads of fun !….peter:)
What a wonderful gift
Playing with a Macro Lens is sooo much fun. Enjoy
I had to treat myself to a Macro Lens, but I would have had more enjoyment if I had been given the lens as a present. That is because I don’t like spending lots of money on myself…
I love that you’re having time with your family, Cherry. Enjoy every minute and then give yourself some down time with Teddy!
Thanks Ginnie, this year was planned in such a way that there are lots of possibilities for down time
The most important thing to be doing at this time.
I always found catching them on my tongue a lot of fun
It looks more like the snowflake has caught him than the other way around!
I think he used the snowflakes he caught to make a snowball. He has to be careful it doesn’t tumble down hill because he just might become incorporated into the snowball along with his snowflakes!
I think you’d see his lil blue nose poking out, so you could tell he was in there and rescue him if needed
Aww! Bless
I am sure Dino would be leading the rescue party
Dino would be only too happy to! It would be a big adventure for him – far more of an adventure than guarding my network switches