Enjoying Jesmond Dene House

12 Comments CherryPie on Oct 5th 2018

12 Responses to “Ted on His Adventures”

  1. Wow do you think can handle all that drink by him self.
    Coffee is on

  2. The Yum List says:

    Ted seems to be looking with a feeling of yearning at that glass of wine. ;-)

  3. Amfortas says:

    Hah ! Have I missed seeing Ted before? Has he been just out of frame or hiding in bushes and flower beds so that I didn’t notice him? I had no idea that you had a companion other than Mr C. Let’s have more Ted. Please.


    • CherryPie says:

      I don’t think you have missed any recent photos of Ted. He had hoped for some photo opportunities in the flower beds at Cragside but as upcoming posts will reveal the weather and conditions weren’t quite suitable for a small bear to be out and about!

      You will be pleased to know that there is at least one more photo of him on his adventure ;-)

  4. Lotta says:

    Ted sure gets around :-)

  5. Lovely photo of Ted – if he is like Timothy he would enjoy the occasional Tipple :)

  6. Spare the rod, spoil the child.
    Ted can’t have anything he wants. ;)