My creation


Today saw subtle changes to the kitchen with the plinths above and below the cabinets being fitted. There was additional work on the under-sink plumbing which is still looking neat and tidy.

Tomorrow the working surface should arrive which will allow the hob and sink to be fitted. Then all that is needed is fine tuning to the electrics and plumbing.

After my afternoon volunteering in a local school for the ‘School Readers’ charity it was time for our daily visit to mum. I learned from one of her friends that she had not been having a good day and by the time we arrived she knew she had not been herself and was upset about her behaviour.

We returned home to relax with a small pre-dinner sherry before dining in the Orange House, Wellington.

2 Comments CherryPie on Jan 17th 2025

2 Responses to “New Kitchen 2 – Day Nine”

  1. lisl says:

    I am watching your new kitchen with interest (and a little envy), Cherie. I am sorry you have all this worry about your Mum

    • CherryPie says:

      I am enjoying the progress of our new kitchen. It is now finished and I love it.

      I am not so happy with the state of my mum. She doesn’t understand why she can’t go home at the moment.

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