I have had a hectic few days (again…). In the past couple of weeks the kitchen and the dining room have been decorated. This involved emptying the dining room and returning everything to it’s place before visitors arrived to stay over the weekend. It was almost back in one piece before they arrived on Saturday, [...]
Archive for the tag 'Fun'
Filed under This & That
A Game or Two
I invite you to join me at Vision & Verb where I share my life long enjoyment of board games.
4 Comments CherryPie on May 6th 2012
Filed under This & That
A Bit of a Laugh ;-)
I am in the middle of writing my next V&V post, which led me to search for some information that I knew was on my previous Blog. Whilst browsing around I found this and couldn’t resist re-posting it, complete with original photo
I am sure this will be controversial but it made me [...]
24 Comments CherryPie on Mar 20th 2012
Filed under This & That
Your Age by Chocolate Math
This is pretty neat so please don’t cheat by scrolling down first!
It will take you less than a minute and is fun (especially for chocoholics).
Work it out as you go along. Calculators are allowed!
1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to have chocolate (more than once but [...]
29 Comments CherryPie on Aug 29th 2009
Filed under Anecdotes
Busy Weekend
I eventually managed to get to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It was well worth the wait, although I could have done without all the interruptions from people frequently leaving and entering the cinema throughout the film. The essence of the book was captured very well, but I think some bits [...]
16 Comments CherryPie on Aug 15th 2009
Filed under This & That
The Barber’s Revenge
Angus commented on my previous post suggesting he might like to take the barber up on the offer of a free haircut. After seeing the type of styles that particular barber produces, I think Angus may change his mind
12 Comments CherryPie on Aug 13th 2009
Filed under This & That
Community Service
One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut. After the cut he asked about his bill and the barber replied, ‘I cannot accept money from you. I’m doing community service this week.’
The florist was pleased and left the shop.
When the barber went to open his shop the next morning there was a [...]
20 Comments CherryPie on Aug 12th 2009