…on Valentines Day xx
Archive for the tag 'Hurley'
Filed under Art, Faith Foundations, Holidays, Hurley 2017
St. Mary the Virgin, Hurley…
…Christian stories in glass
8 Comments CherryPie on Sep 30th 2017
Filed under Faith Foundations, Heritage, Holidays, Hurley 2017
St. Mary the Virgin, Hurley
A church has graced the banks of the River Thames in Hurley since Saxon times.
Formerly a Benedictine priory the monk’s traditions of hospitality, care and spiritual renewal still continue to this day. And the chime of St Mary’s bells ring out across the village, as they have for over a millennium.*
In 1545 the estates passed [...]
6 Comments CherryPie on Sep 29th 2017
Filed under Faith Foundations, Heritage, Holidays, Hurley 2017
Hurley Priory
Hurley Priory, located on the banks of the River Thames was founded in 1086 by Geoffrey Mandeville I as a cell of Westminster Abbey. After declaring himself head of the English Church, Henry VIII suppressed the priory in 1536 and ownership was transferred to Westminster Abbey. When in 1540 Westminster Abbey was dissolved Hurley Priory [...]
10 Comments CherryPie on Sep 26th 2017
Filed under Anecdotes, Faith Foundations, Heritage, Holidays, Hurley 2017
Ye Olde Bell
On my recent visit to the Olde Bell in Hurley I noticed some information above a wooden panel next to the fireplace. I was intrigued by it and took a closer look. The photo and words informed that a passage runs from the cellar of the Olde Bell to the Village Priory and the passage [...]
12 Comments CherryPie on Sep 25th 2017
Filed under Anecdotes, Holidays, Hurley 2017
Hurley – Day Three
When I woke up the sun was shining and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Mr C started his morning ritual of making a cup of tea only to find that the drinks tray had not been restocked! When we entered the dining room I chose a table that was next to French doors [...]
10 Comments CherryPie on Sep 1st 2017
Filed under Anecdotes, Holidays, Hurley 2017
Hurley – Day One
We picked up my Mum and set off on our journey to Windsor which took rather longer than expected due to the volume of traffic on the bank holiday weekend. Whilst we were driving around Windsor struggling to find a place to park we spotted my nephew and his lady friend outside Windsor Castle and [...]
12 Comments CherryPie on Aug 30th 2017