Archive for the tag 'Me by another'

We were up bright and early for a 7am breakfast in order to catch a minibus from outside the Phoenicia Hotel. At this time of day, the breakfast room was a lot quieter and more civilised.
We arrived at the collection point outside the Phoenicia Hotel in plenty of time. We waited and waited but there [...]

8 Comments CherryPie on Nov 22nd 2023

The buffet breakfast was excellent with a full selection of both continental and cooked breakfast options including traditional Maltese options. Also available were items that needed cooking to order such as pancakes, omelettes and fried and poached eggs.
Comfortably replete, we left the hotel and walked down the hill towards the Templar Memorial and the siege [...]

12 Comments CherryPie on Nov 17th 2023

Taking advantage of a Christmas gift voucher we had Afternoon Tea at David Austin Roses. The weather was perfect, after several rainy days the sun came out allowing us to enjoy the gardens before indulging in tasty treats in the tea room.

10 Comments CherryPie on Sep 21st 2023

… a Selfie opportunity

8 Comments CherryPie on Aug 10th 2023

Winterbourne is a rare surviving example of an early 20th century suburban villa and garden. The house was built in 1903 for John and Margaret Nettlefold, of Guest, Keen & Nettlefold.
Nettlefold was a pioneer of town planning who carried the ideas seen in his own home to the less wealthy areas of the city.
Originally designed [...]

6 Comments CherryPie on Aug 2nd 2023

… flies in to Wellington town

4 Comments CherryPie on Jul 24th 2023

Originally built in 1783, The Norfolk Arms Hotel was later extended to include the neighbouring houses. The original building finished at the sitting room and when extended, it incorporated the stone, self-supporting staircase which is now a much-admired feature of the building. the main staircase used to be situated behind what is now the Tap [...]

6 Comments CherryPie on Jul 3rd 2023

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